Tuesday, August 5, 2008


For those of you who don't parlevouis Francais, cultive means "cultured" in French. Yep, thanks to the mad blogging examples of my brother, wife, and family at large, I've decided to enter the realms of cool and bust out my own bangin' blog. And you thought that sliced bread was kickin'!

More than just becoming cultured as a blogging fool, I've been coddled into proverbial erudition at the hands of BYU's "Honors Department." That's right, kids, I've roamed the halls of the MOA, sat through agonizing plays (well at least one of them was gut-wretchingly awful), watched random foreign films at the IC, been serenaded by sumptuous music performances in the De Jung, hung out with my enviro-dawgs in a small conference room in the biology building, and finally, I've digested more books (actually read them) in the past year and a half than probably the rest of my life combined . . . Stay tuned for a life-changing post about all of these aged bourcheran cheese experiences.

In addition to immersing myself in leagues upon leagues of high minded culture, I've been taking the Old Testament, Pearl of Great Price, and Comparative Lit 202 (Civ) for the summer term. (For your incalculable reading pleasure, I'll soon post a couple of papers that I wrote for my CMLIT class: fasten your seat belts.) Also, if you were previously unaware, I'm writing a thesis on Intel (coming soon to a blog post near you) and wracking my brains in preparation for the LSAT this October. Thankfully, I've still got two blessed months of study left before the day of judgment, so please keep your arms folded and your fingers crossed!

Beyond all of this busyness business, I've only got one semester left in my undergraduate existence. It's hard to believe. "Can you handle the excitement, children?" I can't really tell you what lay beyond the Utah Valley horizon, but it will almost entirely depend on what LSAT score I eek out in October. Even then, I probably won't get an acceptance letter to any law schools before the first couple of months of 2009. So it looks like my wife and I will be kickin' it in Yogurtland indefinitely. Ah, but then what dreams may come? . . .


PP said...

I'm so thrilled that you took Comp Lit 202. I have to tell you it was one of my favorite if not my favorite course in undergraduate. I'm so excited to hear about it. Not that vampire stories are that bad, but hey, I yearn for erudition.

Rock Solid said...

This is good stuff. I know that statment sounds boring and general. I am amused by your writing and look forward to the future of this site. Perhaps I too might learn something of culture through my bretheren. I lack the courage, time, and resources to do it on my own.

Fletch said...

You will be the yin to my white trash "yang" blog.