Given today's world of strife and confusion and the many attacks on my Church and faith, I felt deeply inspired by this message. Here are some excerpts that really hit home to me (some of the hyper-links direct to footnotes in Elder Andersen's talk; you may have to scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Show References" and then find the footnote, by its number, manually - I was especially intrigued by 27):
After tasting of the fruit, Lehi saw “a great and spacious building … filled with people … old and young, … male and female; and their … dress was exceedingly fine; and they were … mocking and pointing their fingers [of scorn] towards those who … were partaking of the fruit.”23 An angel explained that the mocking, the scoffing, the fingers of scorn represented the pride and wisdom of the world.24
Nephi declared plainly, “We heeded them not.”25
Sadly, there were others whose courage faltered. The scripture reads, “After they had tasted of the fruit they were ashamed, because of those [who] were scoffing at them; and they fell away into forbidden paths and were lost.”26

Some ask, “Do I have to be so different from others?” “Can’t I be a disciple of Christ without thinking so much about my behavior?” “Can’t I love Christ without keeping the law of chastity?” “Can’t I love Him and do what I want on Sunday?” Jesus gave a simple answer: “If ye love me, keep my commandments.”32
Will we understand everything? Of course not. We will put some issues on the shelf to be understood at a later time.
Will everything be fair? It will not. We will accept some things we cannot fix and forgive others when it hurts.
Will we feel separated on occasion from those around us? Absolutely.
Will we be astonished at times to see the anger a few feel toward the Lord’s Church and their efforts to steal the struggling faith of the weak?36 Yes. But this will not deter the growth or destiny of the Church, nor need it impede the spiritual progress of each of us as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Here is another talk on being offended, by Elder David A. Bednar, given in October, 2006, entitled, And Nothing Shall Offend Them. I'm unable to embed it here; however, you may listen to it or download and watch it.
I also really enjoyed it and think you will too.
Wow, this post was so simple, but exactly what I needed to hear right now. Thank you so much! It really made my day better :)
You're very welcome, and I'm glad to hear it.
I like what Linda said to one of her boys when he said to her "That's not fair!"
"I'm glad you learned that so young"
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