Gasp! Yes, CA readers, it's true: About last Friday or so, I decided I would take the new Gmail challenge and dive into the new interface. In other words, I decided to use the new look for at least a day or two to decide whether I would really
get used to it, as I had heard others report they did.
As a former critic of the new
appearance, let me say I now strongly prefer it to the old look. DOUBLE GASP!! Ironically, one of my biggest hangups became, perhaps, my favorite feature: The minimalism.
In the new-look Gmail, t's all about the emails, peepers. |
That's right, kids, the new interface cuts straight to the email. Some complain there's too much white space. I'll tell you what, click on the big gear and select Compact -- that will display plenty of emails. On the other hand, I really like the "Cozy" density and cringe to think of the stress on my eyes, reverting back to compact-style.
And, talking of white space, here's a further irony: Getting rid of many "buttons and knobs" (thank you, Arthur Weasley), I feel more comfortable and focused on my email.
In short, when I went back to take a peek at the old Gmail, my eyes felt strained, and I felt stranded in a cluttered garage.
Yes, the old look's more traditional and has less "white space," yet, consider its comparative clutter. |
Ahhh. Now my eyes focus on the email (because, seriously, why would I want to focus on my chat search box, etc.?) |
I'll be candid in saying I feel hesitant about the degree of transparency on some themes, like Turf. Yet, maybe that's just me or, like my conversion experience, simply an initial, gut reaction.
I imagine some might like less turf behind their email. |
At the end of the day, users still must
opt-in to use the new-look Gmail, and this after about two or three months out of the gate . . . I'm unsure what the hold up is. On the other hand, I definitely suggest giving the new look a shot for a couple days and then comparing/contrasting. I definitely think old habits can die hard,
especially in Gmail land (see the comments and be warned of some potty mouths). So, take a chance, and if you also decide to make the switch, I hope your diet will be crow free, unlike mine. Provecho!