Sunday, May 15, 2011

GERMANY PHOTOS (are finally here)!!

Okay, peeps.  Here it is, the moment you've all been waiting (months) for!  The Germany trip photos.

Enjoy!  (Please click on the Picasa icon in the bottom-right-hand corner of each album viewer if you'd rather see a full album view, rather than a one-picture-at-a-time slideshow.)

If you want me to comment on them, give me a call, and I'll give you the three hour tour.

I'll probably get more up here from our more "socially acceptable camera," as my wife calls it.

(See my wife's blog for exacting details of our adventures.)

1 comment:

Pam said...

All these pictures are A-MA-ZING!!! There are some really fabulous shots in there. You will be so glad you have these beause your brain will never remember all those details. Beautiful! What an experience.