Monday, July 13, 2009

Yesterday's Spiritual Message: Consider the Lilies

Having been married a little over two and a half years, my wife and I are still very young chicks (birds).

As such, we have been very used to having worms lovingly placed in our mouths for most of our lives.

However, as we have ventured farther and farther into the world, we have come to the realization that we need to depend on one Source for our benefit and welfare: Our Heavenly Father.

Recently becoming a father myself and recognizing all expenses that come with it makes me think of this scriptural verse, "Consider the lilies of the field . . ." The Savior goes on to explain how our Heavenly Father is very aware of our most intricate needs.

Having this calming reassurance over the past few months and years has been an incomprehensible blessing.

I invite you to ponder these lines of scripture and the invitation the Savior gives us to work hard and then trust in God.

We firmly testify that, "[He] knoweth that [we] have need of all these things."

Finally, click here for a stirring rendition of Consider the Lilies.

1 comment:

Steph said...

That's such a pretty scripture. I love it :)