Honestly, didn't people know that DIA had enough troubles already before condoning to display a monumental monstrosity such as this?
First of all (and I only have this on a rumor), I understand this abomination was paid for with tax dollars. Who in the wide wide world of sports ever had the gumption (or lack of brain cells) to consider this "thing" worthy of even one cent of legally mandated collection!
Next, and to be brutally honest, I first caught glimpse of this stallion in an email from my brother which I thought was nothing more than a Photo Shopped joke, a snowball email. This aught to say something about the quality of the "art."
The "horse" is oddly proportioned: it seems to be pretty sturdy near its hind legs and yet its front two legs are bony and has a neck and mane which appear a la Loch Ness.
For the sake of the children viewing this blog (F-Word), I opted not to display the graphic pictures which portray the maleness of this creature's "special" anatomy . . .
I'm told this fiery steed has protruding eyes which glow red at night. I've heard some people call this beast the first horse of the apocalypse and given the tale that it fell on and crushed its "creator," I'm beginning to wonder myself.
I don't know which is more of a deliberate punch in the stomach: this gibberish or the recent and "professional" performance of the football team which this animal represents . . .
EWW, where is this horrible thing located??
I'm glad you've finally become familiar with the modern art scene. Not everything in art is pretty and nice. This is a good reminder to airport patrons of the realities of death, punishment and the penalty for failure. Basically - its essential to remind tax payers they are scum and to never dare to rise above the state or the corporate ideologies that bind us down. People need reality, not to coddled. I'd rather have this than a statue of my little pony.
Denver International Airport, sadly.
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