Maybe you didn't know it, but the Wife and I are pretty much the antithesis of "pack rats" - or at least it's kind of a family goal.
Before we moved here to Cincinnati, we really cleaned house and we recently did the same thing.
In fact, the CA finally decided to part with a few of his treasured belongings (or at least belongings that had been handed down to him or fallen into his possession).
More than anything, I'm talking about my good ole Minidiscman (not pictured) (ah, what a sad flop of technology - President Obama, get that sector up-and-running!!) and our last vestige of video games: the Gamecube and its associated assortments. Yes, F-Word, you read correctly, it's all gone.
We tried to sell it on Craig's list and eBay, but we had very minimal success there (although some of the games sold like hot cakes in Orem - big surprise?).
I've included below a link to Ozzy Osbourne's "Goodbye to Romance" because I feel like it truly captures the emotion of this sad and forlorn departure as no emotive swear word could ever hope to, and, of course, because people like the F-Word will easily associate with it. I strongly suggest you listen to it as you gaze at the memorizing pictures. (Just make sure you open it in a new tab or it will navigate you away from this page.)
Goodbye to Romance
I will miss Super Mario Smash Brothers when I'm pregnant again. That really helped.
F-Word deleted this comment because he thought "it was a bit much." I think it's hilarious!:
Dude. You're that pinched for space that you basically chucked all your Nintendo gear?
Why not admit you are rejecting your childhood in an attempt to feel more mature?
Perhaps what troubles me more is the fact that this is the new "you" - a man who rejects fun at all costs.
I'm afraid you are dead to me now.
UNLESS... you read this link :)
We'll always be able to play online chess! =D
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